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FACI Chemicals (Zhangjiagang) Co., Ltd

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Popular Republic of China

FACI Chemicals (Zhangjiagang) Co., Ltd

FACI Group further expanded in 2007 with the newly built production plant in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province, PRC. The unit was initially intended for the production of metallic stearates of zinc, calcium and magnesium through the same technology and know-how of the Italian and Singapore plants.

At a later stage, as previously happened with the Singapore plant, the production was diversified and expanded through the implementation of production lines dedicated to fatty acid esters, Ethylene Glycol Distearate (EGDS) and PentaErythritol Distearate and PentaErythritol Tetrastearate (PEDS – PETS).

The current set-up of the Zhangjiagang plant completes FACI Group’s Business Contingency Plan. Such plan grants the supply of equivalent products manufactured in different plants located in different areas, and yet operating through the exact same technology and feedstock.



Jiangsu Province - PRC
Phone: + 86 0512 58327966
Fax: + 86 0512 58327960

FACI Group

In the years following its inception, FACI Group gained an excellent reputation in the oleochemicals industry, first through international trade, and then taking over new plants in Europe, America and Asia. Such expansion strategy resulted in creating FACI Group, which presently consists of seven production plants located in three continents. FACI Group is the largest producer of nontoxic metallic stereate, as well as one of the global leading producers of additives for plastics such as lubricants, co-stabilizers, acid decontaminants and release agents.