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Since the inception of the Company, FACI Group has focused on process technology, achieving efficiency through unique and cutting-edge production methods. FACI Group’s experience, along with its corporate values, stem from the constant interaction with many cultures across the globe. In such framework, FACI Group proactively focused on reaching optimal results in terms of both quality and environmental sustainability. The main pillar of FACI Group’s production process has always been the circularity of economy. The ability to process and add value to by-products, residues or off-specs products coming from the production of vegetable oils or animal fats has determined the success of the company’s supply chain.
FACI Group stands out for its strong expertise and excellent skills, as well as for its deep understanding of the chemical mechanisms allowing to adjust the volatile and complex features of natural feedstock to the quality requirements of a wide variety of industries and applications.
The use of natural feedstock in the production of additives for industrial applications is a responsible way to achieve a better quality of life and to be more environmentally friendly.
“Guaranteed Quality, Respect for the Environment” is a key approach and a core value of the identity of FACI Group, resulting from decades of experience and business in several markets. Embedded in such sustainability culture is our ethics and social responsibility – this means that in order to meet the financial and commercial goals of the Group, the company operations are aligned to the principles of respect for the individuals and environmental protection.
Complete details and relevant documentation on the core values of FACI Group’s “culture of the quality” are provided in the dedicated sections of our website.
Manufacturing processes utilizing renewable feedstock, committed to environmental protection and resulting in high quality products
We promote the circularity of economy in order to incentivize and grow the recycling and re-use of materials and the full development of the bio-based economy
Our gallery and press kit are provided in this section of the website
Sustainability for FACI Group entails an industrial system and vision of sustainable value creation to maximize the total value captured and guarantee underlying capital for future added value. The Group development has been visualized and designed to pursue sustainability not only in terms of economic value creation but also in terms of social and environmental sustainability which the Group is committed to and aims at evolving.
The main pillars in supporting the “Green Deal” are the circularity of the economy, aiming to incentivize and increase the recycling and re-use of materials, and the full development of so-called bio-based economy, in turn aiming to incentivize and increase the production of renewable biological resources and the conversion of such resources, residues and by products into value added products.
The oleochemical industry is, by definition, and since its inception, based on renewable biological feedstock like fats and oils.
FACI Group, in its century of activity, played a key role in shaping the oleochemical industry around the world developing various derivatives which are based on renewable feedstock and find application as additives in several industry segments from pharmaceutical to rubber, passing through personal care, paper, lubricants and plastic.
In particular plastic is one of the applications where FACI Group invested most of its efforts developing additives which can sustain and support the principles of the Green Deal, helping plastic producers in substituting additives based on non-renewable feedstock and improving the possibility of plastic recycling. In this regard FACI Group developed a series of plastic lubricants (in particular for PVC) which can effectively replace non-renewable based additives (i.e., phthalic anhydride based) and can better support the re-use of plastic. The products are marketed under the name of “Faci L series” and find nowadays extensive application in the market. The product performance has been well appreciated by the market which has now almost completed the transition towards “renewable additives”.
Besides plastic additives, as said above, FACI Group has a wide range of additives manufactured according to the principle of circularity and from renewable feedstock that find application in personal care, pharmaceuticals, rubber, paper, feed, building industry and many other market sectors.
FACI Group is a member of APAG, organisation including all the biggest European companies in the oleochemical industry.
Ethics and social responsibility
Under each and every aspect of the company, FACI Group’s day-to-day commitment to the environment is aligned to its ethics and social responsibility.
FACI Group worldwide
FACI Group owns seven sites and production units around the world. In addition to the Carasco headquarters, Faci is present in five other countries with six production plants